A Handful of baby carrots
2 Apples
1 Pear
6 Leaves of Kale
1 Beet
Ugh. The beet killed it! The flavor isn't bad at all, but it's the overwhelming chalky smell that repulses me. I'm drinking it, just slowly! I may have tried them too soon. I feel super hungry. I've adjusted my plan. I went to the plans at www.FatSickandNearlyDead.com and most include light food with beginners of juicing. I'm a little disappointed that I can't go cold turkey on this, but with working I just don't think I can handle it. I feel like a wimp, b/c it's been what...12 hours? It just goes to show me how much food really does impact your life!
So for breakfast I'm drinking the juice above and a small wheat bagel with nuts.
On to more fun things ;)
Ellie must have been thirsty! :)
Just hanging around!
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