A Special Thanks to CY Photography For My Banner Photos

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pumpkin Patch and Apple Farm

ahh...the sweet smell of Fall...seriously, I love it! I also love how Niven's Apple Farm is 5 minutes from my house.We took Lanie back when she was 2 years old and decided to take both girls yesterday. It was packed and oh so fun.  Lanie wanted to play on the playground, there are lots of really neat little things to do there! I remember going here as a kid for a field trip, I was probably only 5 or 6. I hope Lanie remembers us taking her!

Lanie absolutely LOVED these tire things

It is very hard to get them looking at me!

Addy bug in the Tee pee

I love my Little girl!

Daddy and Addy

We also ran into Tina, Tj and Brielle! She is sooo adorable!

Lanie loved looking at all of the pumpkins...She smelled a rotten one, lol

She also couldn't figure out what sound to make , so she went back and forth between maa, moo and finally figured out baaaa. :)

We bought a peck of apples for $9.00, we got about 40 apples! They are "jonathan" apples and I will be posting shortly about the Apple Pie we baked with them :)

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